
a Leaf Press chapbook series
published between
August, 2010 and July, 2011

List of Titles:

Each chapbook is priced at $10.00 including shipping.
A subscription for all eight titles
is $50.00 including shipping.

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Please place orders by email: orders [at] leafpress [dot] ca


Rhona McAdam: The Earth's Kitchen

April 2011 | 5.5 x 8.5 | 28 pp | 978-1-926655-25-3 | $10.00

... plump crescents ripening
into harvest gold with the squash,
the potatoes, and the soft bellies of zucchini
revealing their nascent seeds
as they slump.

from “Roasting Vegetables”
Rhona McAdam

Rhona McAdam has published five full-length poetry collections, most recently Cartography (Oolichan, 2006); and two chapbooks (Crosswords, Frog Hollow, 2003; Family Dinners, JackPine, 2010). Her work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies on both sides of the Atlantic, including recent appearances in Alimentum; CuiZine; Prism; Antigonish Review; Acumen; she has been a Monday’s Poet and was winner of Leaf’s 2005 Looking for Love competition. She teaches an online course in urban agriculture, blogs about food and poetry in The Iambic Cafe, and writes, talks and thinks about food in Victoria.

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